
Save a prayer live
Save a prayer live

Relieve their pain, enable them to get restful sleep, and strengthen their body to fight any infection.

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Release them from these chains and free them from their misery. I plead with You to take away the pain they feel. You say You have plans to prosper us and not to harm us, Lord. Lord, our Healer, when I see my loved one in pain, I feel it too. May they depend on You for all things, because You are faithful and our all-powerful refuge. May they trust that You can use all things, even their sickness, to make something beautiful. Give them assurance of that healing and may it cause them to have hope and forbearance. Whether now, or later in the age to come, I thank You for restoring their health. By Your stripes, Lord, this person who I love is healed. Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, in You, there is healing. In Your all-powerful and healing name, I pray. I exalt Your holy name for all Your goodness and for the blessing of this loved one in my life. Thank You for keeping them from even further harm. I pray against any long-term effects, and I pray that they are able to resume their normal activities soon. I pray for You to nurse my sick loved one back to health. Jesus, the Great Physician, You are the Lord who bandages wounds and heals the sick. Inscribe light and gladness and joy and honor in their heart, so they can feel Your presence and understand Your goodness. You say the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. May they rejoice in the hope of the glory of God and of a time in the future when they will spend eternity with You. God, I pray for my loved one that they may experience this life to the fullest and have a deep joy that persists through all circumstances. I thank You that in love, You sent Jesus to give us life and life in abundance. Amen.įather God, Light in the darkness, You are the true vine, and we are Your humble branches. May they know that You are near, and may they draw peace and strength from the fact that You love them more than I ever could. Be their comfort and protection in prison, Father God. Help me to obey Your command to love others by loving this person in the right way. As Your Son said, when we visit those in prison and comfort them, we are comforting Jesus. Loving Father, I come to You on behalf of my loved one in jail. Help me to change myself in the ways I need to change and to honor You with my thoughts, words, and actions. You know my passion for them runs deep and You know what they are thinking and feeling. If it is Your will, soften their heart and bring them back to me. Help me to trust that You are in control and that what is happening is according to Your sovereign will. Amen.įather, my Miracle-Worker, I am on my knees, pleading with You about a loved one who has left me. Restore the love they once had for me and heal any hurt I have caused. Bring forgiveness where there needs to be forgiveness and bring understanding where there is misunderstanding. They spurn me, and I pray that You soften their heart so we can have a relationship based on affection according to Your will between members of Your body. Amen.įather of mercy and healing, I come to You, my loving Father, to pray that this person would love me back. I thank and praise You, for You are the God who is with us always. Give them favor with their family, friends, and colleagues so that they may see evidence of Your grace around them. I also pray that You bless them in all they are trying to do in their life. In love, I pray for this person that they may know and experience You more. Gracious and compassionate Father, You are a good God who has brought every person into my life as a blessing from You. Here are 25 strong prayers for someone you love. When you love someone, you pray for every aspect of their lives.

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